From the Ground Up
The Horsemanship Program at Meadowsweet is so much more than just riding a horse. We believe true horsemanship involves all aspects of the horse world. On top of education outside the saddle, students will learn how to groom and tack their mounts, how to implement various groundwork techniques, and all the foundations for successful time in the saddle.

Balance is one of the most important aspects of riding a horse. Every piece of the riders body plays a part of proper balance - from the position of the foot, to where the eyes look, and every breath they take can make a difference. Our riders develop a balanced and neutral seat to allow for harmonious movement with their equine teachers.

Our students will learn to effectively use their bodies to communicate with their mount. We strive to use methods that are kind and natural to the horse. Using balance, timing and feel, our students learn to move as one with their mount as they journey through the levels of our program. From the lunge line, to patterns, to trail rides and shows, riders of all abilities and ages are sure to benefit.
Our goal is for each rider and their lesson mount to develop a partnership during their time together. A relationship based on trust, respect, and harmony will lead to a happy horse and a happy rider.