Meet our Lesson Horses
At Meadowsweet Ranch, where the horses come first, we love our lesson horses and embrace what makes each one special. Come on out and meet them!
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Wahpe (Lakota Indian for Lucky)
Breed: Paint
Height: 15.2hh
Age: 23
Wahpe was the very first horse purchased for our riding program at 4 years of age. He is a gorgeous chestnut paint. Wahpe is a great all around horse who can handle anything put in front of him. From teaching new riders their first posting trot to helping more experienced riders learn new skills such as the Garrocha pole, Wahpe is forever going above and beyond to put his riders at ease. He has the patience of a saint and really takes care of his rider. Wahpe has two best friends who he hangs out with in the paddock and can often be seen playing with them. Wahpe knows a few tricks and will gladly give you a kiss for his favorite treat, watermelon. Erin, a student who has known Wahpe for years says, "He is just such a sweet, kindhearted, quirky guy."
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Breed: Arab/Welsh
Height: 14hh
Age: 29
Aspen was purchased when she was 12 years old from a young rider who outgrew her in southern Wisconsin. She was the first lesson pony added to the Meadowsweet Ranch family. At 29 years of age she still has the honor of being one of the favorite ponies here at the Ranch. She enjoys pony camp and is known for being gentle and sweet with young riders. With the more advanced riders, she still has plenty of get up and go for fun and a bit of a challenge to improve riding skills. You can't help but notice her beautiful black coat and shiny white star on her forehead. She is as beautiful outside as she is in. Liam, one of her favorite riders says, "Aspen is a great, but sometimes stubborn, horse. She loves to eat grass and she is teaching me a lot."
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Hakana (Barn name: Hank)
Breed: Arab
Height: 15hh
Age: 22
Hank came to live at the ranch when he was 12 years old from Indiana. He sparked a connection with MSR owner Kathy even before she laid eyes on him. Although he was a "boring bay Arab" and not at all her usual type she just knew he was special. She drove to see him and came home with him that very same day. Hank has never let her down. He continues to be a very special horse even 10 years later. Hank is one of those horses you wish you had 20 more of. He is sweet and easy to handle. He teaches young children and older riders alike. Anyone who ever has the luck of meeting him immediately falls in love with him. Hank can be ridden English and Western and mostly enjoys his walk/trot lessons and horse camp. His favorite treats are carrots, and molasses flavored horse cookies. Kari, one of Hank's newest riders says, "Hank is gentle and easy to work with. He is just beautiful and has soft friendly eyes."
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Breed: Shetland
Height: 10.5hh
Biscuit was originally a child's pony in Ohio but joined the Ranch family at 12 years of age. Biscuit is the smallest pony we have at the ranch. His shaggy mane and dog like personality easily turn even the most fearful person into a pony lover. Just looking at him brings a smile to everyone's face. He also enjoys Halloween and is a favorite of the lesson students to dress up for costume classes, mostly because anything he does looks adorable! He also loves to be groomed and pampered. Amber, a student here at MSR says, "Biscuit is a sassy pony who loves everyone he meets and will immediately be your best friend. You can't spend a day at the ranch without at least stopping by and saying hi to this little guy."

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Breed: Appaloosa
Height: 14.2hh
Age: 16 (approx.)
Sparkle was adopted from the Society for Hooved Animals Rescue and Emergency in February of 2014. She had previously been a livery horse who had come into the rescue in awful shape. After the rescue nursed her back to health, she was adopted and came to live at Meadowsweet Ranch. She is named after her shiny chestnut coat which is covered in white bird catcher spots or SPARKLES. Sparkle is loved by many of our intermediate and advanced riders because of her get up and go spirit. She is always ready to go! Maddy, one of Sparkle's regular riders says, " Sparkle is a one of a kind horse, both in coloring and personality. She is very trusting and kind once she gets to know you."

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Listen to me (J D)
Breed: Standardbred
Height: 15.2
J D was adopted from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation in 2019. He was never raced and lived in his first adoptive home from the age of 4 until he came here to MSR at 14 years old.
Although his first adoptive life was mostly focused on dressage, he has since come to love trail riding, equine trail sports, and obstacle events. J D can be stubborn and needs a strong leader, but he can also be sweet and cuddly. At 15.1hhs, he is a short and stocky guy who's bravery makes students feel safe and secure. He keeps his stocky figure by never meeting a snack he doesn’t like. His favorites are popcorn flavored Jelly Belly jellybeans, carrots, watermelon, and caramel rice cakes. J D likes people more than other horses, mostly because people come with snacks and other horses don’t. Jean, an adult rider says, "J D is so willing to please. He loves being petted while I'm grooming him. I love riding him and he is teaching me so much!"

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Revolet C (barn name: Rev)
Breed: Standardbred
Height: 15.3
Age: 15
Rev was adopted from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation in April 2021. He was never raced and was previously used both as a trail horse and driving a cart. He has the most outgoing friendly personality often being the first to nicker when he sees his human friends. He is big and powerful, but gentle. Think great Dane puppy. All he wants to do is be close to you and get scratches. Although Rev is still in training here at MSR he has already learned a lot since he first arrived. He continues to improve and grow as a lesson horse. Liz, an adult student here at MSR says, "Rev is all heart and try! Are tarps slightly scary to him? Yes, but he will try his heart out to please you and succeed. I love his willingness to trust in his handler and follow them anywhere."
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Breed: Red Roan POA
Height: 13.3
Age: 21
Tana was purchased from a woman who outgrew her in WI. She is our little energizer bunny, who loves to go and go once asked to trot. She does well at independent riding and on a lead line. She excels at instilling confidence in all who ride her. She is especially good at obstacles and trail courses. Tana is always one of the first to the fence for treats or scratches. She especially loves apples and going out to graze on grass. Sophia, one of her riders says, "Tana loves to trot! She makes me feel like I'm flying!"
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Breed: Haflinger Cross
Height: 13hh
Age: 20
Sugar was purchased when she was 12 from a young girl who had been using her for barrel racing but, sadly, had out grown her. Although short and stout, Sugar still has some get up and go. She loves to canter on trail and although she does have to wear a grazing muzzle (did we mention she's stout) she is great outside. Sugar is a favorite for games at horse camp. She is kind and sweet with just enough spunk to keep her riders on their toes. Sugar enjoys being groomed and loved on any chance she gets. Her thick mane and tail are just begging to be brushed and braided. Lily, a student says, "I love riding Sugar. She is sweet, gentle and slightly stubborn. I have learned a lot about horsemanship with her, and love getting to know her."

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Breed: Shetland
Height: 12hh
Age: 8
Latte was adopted from For the Love of a Slaughter Horse in December 2020. He was previously bred and raised bythe Amish Community. Although Latte is the newest pony on the block, he has quickly become a student favorite! From going to visit a pre-school for show and tell, to a child's first bareback ride, Latte is always the perfect gentleman. Although not lazy, Latte is a big fan of sleeping in. He can often be found laying down in his stall or even in the paddock. He enjoys napping in the sun almost as much as he enjoys playing with his paddock mates. Sophia, one of his young riders says, "Latte is a good boy and I love riding him. He likes to get sand in his mouth and make silly faces. Its so funny!"

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Earthquake Ernie
Breed: Standardbred
Height: 16hh
Age: 8
Ernie was adopted through Racers Placers in WI as a 10 year old off the track Standardbred. He was owner surrendered to the rescue with MSR's adoption of him all in place. After his arrival at MSR, he had over a year and a half of rehab before he was started under saddle here at the Ranch. He is steadily improving as he is exposed to various arena work, and trail. Ernie is one of three standardbreds that we have adopted and he is definitely the sweetest. Although a bit shy he will gladly put his nose right into your hands for a pat and he often is seen playing tag with his friends in the paddock. Taylor, one of Ernie's riders says, "Ernie is the type of partner that continuously works with his rider to overcome challenges together."