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Ariana Sakaris
September 1 & 2

For all the details CLICK HERE
(3 spots left as of 8/24/24)

Ariana has spent many years within the U.S. and overseas gaining valuable experience from world renowned professionals, including Grand Prix Dressage trainers, and the very best Liberty and Horsemanship experts.


These experiences helped her develop her calm, patient, detail-oriented and empathetic approach. She is a USDF Silver Medalist, ILHA Liberty Champion, and has given demonstrations at the ILHA Liberty Festival, Midwest Horse Fair, Kentucky Horse Park, National Mounted Police Colloquium, and many other events.


Her intention is to help people truly understand things from their horse's perspective, and develop the self-reflection, self-awareness, knowledge, and tools to work with their horse in a compassionate and respectful way, while making progress towards their goals.


There are ONLY 8 Participant spots for this clinic. Participants will be divided into two groups and will work with their horse twice each day, allowing both horse and human to receive the mental and physical breaks that will help them retain and progress better.

ILHA Equine
Liberty Connection Club

Club logo1.jpg
Sunday, October 6, 2024
10:30am - 12:30 pm (approx.)
Pot Luck following practice

Meadowsweet Ranch

If you're interested in the growing discipline of Liberty, attend this practice. 


Practice is the 1st Sunday of each month through December 2024.


 Meet the members and chat during the pot luck that follows the practice. 

October 30 - November 4, 2024

  • Ribbons 1st thru 3rd place

  • Bonus award (to be determined) for 1st thru 3rd place Costume Contest Winners - human's costume must include a long sleeved, collared shirt.

  • Filming at Meadowsweet Available November 3 after club practice.  Those in area can trailer in and be filmed for a small fee.

  • Link to show with more details will be posted as soon as ILHA approves and makes the show live.

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