Over the years I've had a number of students that have started lessons at the age of 4 or 5 only to have them cut down on lessons in middle school because of getting involved with a sport and then pretty much lose them in high school because of the sport and academic demands. Parents hope for that sport scholarship to help cover college costs.
I just want parents to take the time to look into the scholarships that are available for the young equestrian. Why does a child have to give up something they've loved doing, and that teaches them so many beneficial live skills, on the chance that they can earn a sport scholarship.
All a parent needs to do is Google: Scholarships for Equestrians and a nice list of possibilities comes up. Or try: How to Get Recruited for College Equestrian Team. Or even: Ivy League Schools With Equestrian Teams. You can check with your state's Horseman's Council or Equine Foundation about available scholarships. So, before you feel that being involved with school sports is more important than letting a young horsewoman or horseman continue with something they love, think about how much good being involved with horses is for someone that loves them and how it very well might be worth letting them continue to work on the skills they are developing through their love of horses.